Sunday, April 21, 2013

Things I Like

And now, on a positive note:
1.) My family
2.) My friends
3.) My rats
4.) The Ford Focus
5.) Turtles
6.) My boyfriend
7.) The Hobbit/ Lord of the Rings
8.) Mike and Ikes
9.) Going to the movies
10.) Belly Dancing
11.) My bed
12.) White Chocolate Peanut Butter
13.) Strawberry Milk
14.) Long walks on nice days
15.) Reading fiction
16.) Facebooking
17.) Halloween
18.) Dates
19.) Dressing up
20.) Cheerleading
21.) Softball
22.) Working (somedays)
23.) Doodling
24.) Pop
25.) Iced Tea
26.) Taking Pictures
27.) Make-up
28.) My boyfriend's daughter, Willow
29.) Christmas
30.) My cell phone
31.) My blue mandolin
32.) 70's classic rock
33.) PillowPets
34.) Taking naps
35.) Wearing pajama pants
36.) My laptop
37.) Finding money
38.) Art shows
39.) Washington D.C.
40.) Bonfires
41.) Musical theater
42.) Going on long trips
43.) Hugs
44.) Laughing until it hurts
45.) High fives
46.) Ben and Jerry's ice cream
47.) Lemon Lime Gatorade
48.) My ear piercings
49.) Prilosec, it allows me to eat the things I shouldn't eat.
50.) Parties!
51.) Matching Socks
52.) Youtube
53.) Box Fans
54.) Apples
55.) Scary Movies
56.) Board Games
57.) Clothes shopping
58.) Going to the pet store
59.) Browsing the music store
60.) Zombie Fest
61.) Long walks in nice weather
62.) Karma, when it works in my favor.
63.) Going to work on my days off with the knowledge that I can leave at any time.
64.) When I'm having a bad day and my rats do funny things to make me feel better, such as spinning in circles, yawning, climbing all over their cages, or responding when I call them by name.
65.) Mood Rings
66.) Christmas lights
67.) Airplane Rides
68.) Fishing
69.) Sour patch kids and popcorn together
70.) Pajama Pants
71.) Random adventures
72.) Looking back at old pictures
73.) Talking to my brothers over the phone
74.) Hoodies
75.) Art
76.) Belly dance outfits
77.) Wrapping myself in a lot of blankets and falling asleep in front of the fan
78.) My lego model of "Bag End" from "The Hobbit"
79.) "Hardcore Pawn", T.V. show
80.) Dance practice on Wednesdays
81.) Meeting cool people in random places
82.) My black-out curtains, so I can sleep during the day
83.) How close my apartment is to the laundry room
84.) My year-round Christmas tree
85.) A full battery on my phone
86.) Getting new stuff in the mail
87.) Buying new toys for the rats and watching them play
88.) Febreze spray
89.) Reading about my family history
90.) When I'm suddenly extremely happy for no reason
91.) Planning for the future
92.) Stretching after a nap
93.) Getting holiday pay
94.) Getting my hair cut
95.) Aleve when I have headaches
96.) Funny pictures
97.) When I have time to do whatever I want
98.) Spongebob Squarepants
99.) The Syfy Channel
100.) The minutes after a panic attack when I realize that it's not that bad at all.

Things I Hate

I've decided to start off with things I hate, to put the negative before the positive:

  1. People who tend to be hypocritical
  2. Extreme republicans
  3. Racist people
  4. When someone spoils the ending of a movie
  5. People who steal my parking spot
  6. Rude customers at work
  7. Black Friday
  8. Pickle Ball
  9. Basketball during gym class
  10. When teachers don't really help
  11. When people are blatant assholes for no apparent reason
  12. People who don't know basic traffic laws
  13. Dogs that bite
  14. When I take the laundry out of the apartment dryer and it's covered in lint
  15. People who think they're cool for drinking alcohol/smoking. 
  16. Attention whores
  17. Most of the twilight books
  18. People who diss the Hobbit or Lord of the Rings
  19. Ketchup
  20. Mustard
  21. Not sleeping
  22. Walmart "Even though I work there" 
  23. Cardboard cuts
  24. Big trucks that go slow on the highway
  25. Bad weather
  26. Winter
  27. Being poor
  28. Getting sick
  29. People who leech off the system
  30. Not being able to see my boyfriend everyday
  31. The color white for clothes
  32. Snow
  33. Pickles
  34. Most authority figures
  35. Old people driving
  36. All and every train ever 
  37. Anyone who ritually says "YOLO" or "Swag"
  38. Guys who sag their pants, it looks stupid
  39. Stupid songs on the radio
  40. Standardized Tests
  41. Not seeing my family as much as I used to
  42. My ex-roommate
  43. A dirty house
  44. Great Wall chinese buffet
  45. Subway (as a job)
  46. When bands sell out or change their sound
  47. Rush Limbaugh
  48. C-SPAN
  49. Every Vin Diesel movie ever made. 
  50. Taco Bell
  51. Mosquitoes
  52. Sun Burn
  53. When the shower turns to liquid lava/ icicles without warning
  54. People who are unnecessarily loud in public
  55. Camping Trips with people I can't stand
  56. Mean girls 
  57. Long lines at the checkout
  58. Fox News
  59. the Sequester
  60. Lazy Congress
  61. People who are overly-competitive in gym class
  62. When people only pretend to listen or care
  63. Kleptomaniacs
  64. Cranky old people
  65. When other people at work never shower
  66. Every step dad I've ever had
  67. People who prey on the weak
  68. Anxiety attacks
  69. Uncle Ben rice
  70. Angry people
  71. Drama Snobs
  72. "The Memory Keeper's Daughter."
  73. Stubbing my toe 
  74. Awkward conversations
  75. Spiders
  76. Moths
  77. Weird little bugs that I can't find names for
  78. Being bored
  79. Tacos
  80. People who have nothing nice to say
  81. Most TV dinners
  82. Getting a lash in my eye
  83. Boring lectures
  84. Orange juice with pulp
  85. People who argue and argue until you give up and just pretend that they're right
  86. Running into things when I'm tired. (Walls, shelves, paper towel dispensers mounted on the wall.) 
  87. People who grease their hair back
  88. Telemarketers
  89. Panda Buffet
  90. When I have a hard time putting my contacts in
  91. Icy sidewalks
  92. That one guy at work who doesn't do his job or doesn't try very hard. (I'm looking at you, janitor.)
  93. Gross hotels
  94. Long bus rides
  95. Breaking a guitar string
  96. When I'm trying to tune my mandolin and I just fail and give up.
  97. Trying to clean Fiona's cage while she's in there.
  98. Swimming
  99. Those stupid TV shows that keep getting produced
  100. Curl-ups