Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Marcie Goes On an Adventure

During my spring break, I decided that I wanted Marcie, my pet hairless rat, to see more people. Until then, she hadn't left the house since the day I picked her up. I packed up all of her stuff and left Fiona, my albino rat, at home alone. I left her with enough food and water to keep her happy until I came back. I put Marcie in her traveling box, wrapped it in a blanket, (remember, Marcie's hairless), and set off for home.

The car ride was scary because of the ice. I made sure to be super careful, not only for me, but for Marcie too. I hate driving on ice, so it took me an hour and a half to get to Thief River Falls. I spent some time with my boyfriend and his daughter before heading even further north to Middle River. Marcie didn't seem like she minded all of the travel at all. She like to sniff around and see what was going on. Most of the trip, she sat contently in her bedding and watched the world go by.

When we made it to my mom's house, my little brothers had a million questions. My favorite question came from my youngest brother, Jesse. We were sitting in my old bedroom watching Marcie lap water from her dish when he asked, "Why is Marcie so wrinkly? Is she an old hamster?". To which I had to explain for the millionth time that Marcie was a rat, and not a hamster. My little brothers asked to pet her, but I'm a little overly protective of her, she's so small and delicate.

After some time at my mom's, I took Marcie with me to my dad's house in Thief River Falls. Our dog, Jackson, sniffed at her cage, wondering what she was. I think he stayed away from her because he was a little scared. It was fun to watch Marcie eat and drink her water and pounce around her cage at my dads. Marcie was interested in the new things that were happening around her. She sat on top of her rock house and observed us. Soon, it was time to go back home.

I repacked all of our things and took off for Grand Forks. It felt good to get out of Grand Forks after several months. I needed to get out for a while. I think it was good for Marcie too, because she's at home all the time. When we got home, Fiona was sleeping in her space house. Her plastic name tag for her cage was nowhere to be found. I found it later on the floor of her cage, chewed up and useless. I figured that it could've been a lot worse. I was glad to be home, and I think Marcie was too. It's nice to get out, but it's also nice to be home.

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