Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Remembered Conversation?

I assume that this post is supposed to be about a conversation that I remembered somewhere, so let's go with that.

I work at a place where I hear hundreds of different conversation snippets every day. I hear arguments, general awkward small talk, and random conversations that sometimes seem inappropriate (we get a lot of teenagers.) I remember one snippet between a coworker and an woman who was irate over the fact that we didn't have "her soup"

Crazy Lady: Well, where is it?

Worker: We don't stock everything everynight...

Crazy Lady: Where the hell is it?!?

I walked away before the shit hit the fan, so I didn't get to hear the rest.

I've run into this kind of customer before. They think that we can magically make all their products appear on the shelves every night when we can't. It makes me sick.

I wonder how people can be so rude for no good reason. I see so many assholes everyday who push their way through the aisles (Canadians...). It's because of Walmart's reputation. You wouldn't see this scene in Target, which does upset me.

I really shouldn't talk about work anymore, I'm not really supposed to anyway.

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